Switch Usage in Javascript

Itacen Sabacok | Jun 3, 2022

Use the switch statement to select one of many code blocks to be executed.

Example 1

 1// Find the current day
 2switch (new Date().getDay()) {
 3  case 1:
 4    text = "Monday";
 5    break;
 6  case 2:
 7    text = "Tuesday";
 8    break;
 9  case 3:
10    text = "Wednesday";
11    break;
12  case 4:
13    text = "Thursday";
14    break;
15  case 5:
16    text = "Friday";
17    break;
18  default:
19    text = "its weekend";
20    break;

Output: Wednesday

Example 2

 1// commond code blocks
 2const x = 5;
 3switch (x) {
 4  case 6:
 5  case 0:
 6    text = "its weekend!";
 7    break;
 8  case 1:
 9  case 2:
10  case 3:
11  case 4:
12    text = "First four days of weekdays!";
13    break;
14  default:
15    text = "its Friday!";
16    break;

Output: its Friday!