HTML Tables

Itacen Sabacok | Dec 6, 2021

HTML table allows to arrange data into rows and columns.

  • Each table row starts with a <tr> and ends with a </tr> tag.
  • Each table cell is defined by a <td> and a </td> tag.
  • For table header cells, it can be used <th> tag instead of the <td> tag.
 2  <tr>
 3    <th>Name</th>
 4    <th>Country</th>
 5    <th>City</th>
 6  </tr>
 7  <tr>
 8    <td>Germano Roberto</td>
 9    <td>Italy</td>
10    <td>Venice</td>
11  </tr>
12  <tr>
13    <td>Mariela Valentina</td>
14    <td>Spain</td>
15    <td>Barcelona</td>
16  </tr>

Sample Output

Name Country City
Germano Roberto Italy Venice
Mariela Valentina Spain Barcelona