HTML Headings

Itacen Sabacok | Feb 12, 2022

HTML headings are titles or subtitles of a webpage. They are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags. <h1> is the most important heading. <h6> is the least important heading.

1<h1>h1 heading</h1>
2<h2>h2 heading</h2>
3<h3>h3 heading</h3>
4<h4>h4 heading</h4>
5<h5>h5 heading</h5>
6<h6>h6 heading</h6>
8/* it can be custimized with style attribute */
9<h1 style="font-size:60px;">custom h1 heading</h1>

Sample Output

h1 heading

h2 heading

h3 heading

h4 heading

h5 heading
h6 heading

custom h1 heading


Why Headings Are Important

  • Search engines use the headings to index the structure and content of your web pages. Examine headings for appropriate keywords in a user’s search. If your headings match what people are searching for, generally, your content has a better chance of surfacing early in Google search results.
  • HTML headings provide valuable information by highlighting important topics and the structure of the document and enhance Readability And Visibility