Full Join Usage in SQL

Itacen Sabacok | Mar 6, 2022

FULL OUTER JOIN keyword returns all records when there is a match in left (table 1) or right (table 2) table records.


FULL OUTER JOIN and FULL JOIN are the same

FULL OUTER JOIN can be return very large result-sets. so it would be a good idea if you add limit or where clause or so

Here is the sample of Engineer table

id fullname title department manager
1 Eric Brown Software Engineer IT Frank Martin
2 Brandon Hart DevOps Engineer IT Justin Martin
3 Connor Langdon Software Engineer IT Lucas Scott

Here is the sample of Certificate table

id engineerid certificatename certificatedate
1 1 Docker Certified Associate 2020-05-05
2 2 Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2021-07-03
3 2 Certified Jenkins Engineer 2022-01-03

Examples / Outputs

1SELECT e.id, e.fullname "Full Name", 
2c.certificatename "Certificate Name"
3FROM engineer AS e
4FULL OUTER JOIN certificate as c
5ON e.Id=c.engineerid;
id Full Name Certificate Name
1 Eric Brown Docker Certified Associate
2 Brandon Hart Certified Kubernetes Administrator
2 Brandon Hart Certified Jenkins Engineer
3 Connor Langdon