How to Find Request Counts on Nodes in Kubernetes

Itacen Sabacok | Apr 5, 2022

if you are getting “pod didn’t trigger scale-up: 2 max node group size reached” or anything similar then you should focus on what is using so much CPU?



NotTriggerScaleUp –> cluster-autoscaler –> pod didn’t trigger scale-up: 2 max node group size reached

Warning FailedScheduling 40s (x1692 over 29h) default-scheduler 0/6 nodes are available: 6 Insufficient cpu.

you can use below command to find request percentages of all nodes.

 1kubectl describe nodes | grep -A 3 'Resource'
 4  Resource                    Requests       Limits
 5  --------                    --------       ------
 6  cpu                         3915m (99%)    4800m (122%)
 7  memory                      10874Mi (35%)  12810Mi (41%)
 9  Resource                    Requests      Limits
10  --------                    --------      ------
11  cpu                         3855m (98%)   2 (51%)
12  memory                      9064Mi (29%)  4864Mi (15%)
14  Resource                    Requests      Limits
15  --------                    --------      ------
16  cpu                         3755m (95%)   4300m (109%)
17  memory                      6764Mi (22%)  8144Mi (26%)


if its high like above then you better check deployment limits and requests and don’t forget to remove cpu limitation if there is any

If you wish to learn more about CPU requests and limits, click here