Patch Method in Request Module Using Python

Itacen Sabacok | Feb 12, 2022


The requests module allows you to send HTTP requests using Python.

The HTTP request returns a Response Object with all the response data (content, encoding, status, etc).

1pip install requests
1import requests
3response = requests.patch('')


Method Description
delete(url, args) Sends a DELETE request to the specified url
get(url, params, args) Sends a GET request to the specified url
head(url, args) Sends a HEAD request to the specified url
patch(url, data, args) Sends a PATCH request to the specified url
post(url, data, json, args) Sends a POST request to the specified url
put(url, data, args) Sends a PUT request to the specified url
request(method, url, args) Sends a request of the specified method to the specified url