While Loop Usage in …

1x = 1 2while x < 10: 3 print("x:{}".format(x)) 4 x += 1 5 6x = 1 7y = True 8while y: 9 …

Regex Usage in Python

Python has a package called re for Regular Expressions. search() Function Returns a match object if …

For Loop Usage in Python

1# numerical loop 2numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4] 3for num in numbers: 4 print(num) 5 6# get every character …

If Else Usage in Python

NOTE a == b # Equals a != b # Not Equals a > b # Greater than a < b # Less than a >= b # …

How to Encode Turkish …

1cities = ["ağrı", "bursa", "ısparta"] 2 3for a in cities: 4 with …

How to Check Response …

1import requests 2 3response = requests.get('') …

How to Find Array Length …

1# find array length 2arrInt = [1,2,3,4,5] 3arrStr = …